GPG Agent as SSH Agent

September 29, 2018

This will be a pretty curt post, just trying to remember how this was done. The rationale for using gpg-agent as your ssh-agent is: maintain physically separate ssh key-pairs outside of GPG, mainly because as much as gpg is trusted the gpg-agent, documentation, and associated configuration files are a little confusing. Utilize the gpg-agent for ssh-agent, providing you with the ability to have your key unlocked once per session and a consistent look and feel for the unlocking process via pinentry-curses. ...

Limiting Exposure via ssh ProxyJump

May 16, 2017
Networking, Security

ssh is an amazingly prolific tool that is used extensively by anyone who manages systems. It’s a tool that many of us trust to provide the ultimate command and control access to devices we manage, and on many commercial systems it can be marginalized by being updated infrequently. If you’re able to run modern OpenSSH you have access to a new feature named ProxyJump, which makes using a jumphost much simpler. ...