
Cloudflare Pages with Gitlab CI

September 28, 2022
Internet, Providers, CI/CD
Hugo, Cloudflare

This site is one of a couple static sites I’ve been maintaining. I’ve been deploying them locally on filesystem with rsync, then hosting a webserver to present the content. I’ve been using Cloudflare for a couple years for DNS specifically. Over time they have released a portfolio of interesting products, providing source for many of their implementations. They have also been outspoken in the public about the uncomfortable role they play in censorship. ...

From Ghost to Hugo

October 25, 2018

Ghost has been a bit of a wild ride over the last two years. What I’d started with would now be considered ghost-legacy which was their 0.11.x series of releases. For a little while I’d actually been able to comfortable package it in the AUR. I’d abandoned packaging when ghost-cli became a requirement. Without a package I resorted to excessively using the --no-setup-<stage-name> and become increasingly frustrated with the quirky and aggressive release schedule of ghost and ghost-cli. ...