GPG Agent as SSH Agent

September 29, 2018

This will be a pretty curt post, just trying to remember how this was done. The rationale for using gpg-agent as your ssh-agent is: maintain physically separate ssh key-pairs outside of GPG, mainly because as much as gpg is trusted the gpg-agent, documentation, and associated configuration files are a little confusing. Utilize the gpg-agent for ssh-agent, providing you with the ability to have your key unlocked once per session and a consistent look and feel for the unlocking process via pinentry-curses. ...

Pass, with friends

March 30, 2018
Crypto, Security
GPG, Git

pass is a simple way to manage password locally, and with git one can collaborate on a password database with friends. The two technologies; pass and gpg have a lot of resources on-line, but when I went looking to set up a team with pass I found resources in several different places that didn’t match up with practices that made sense. Notably several people were creating key-pairs for each database and sharing the actual key-pairs with collaborators, this seemed insane. ...