
Cleanup Binaries in Git History

April 8, 2022

It is considered bad etiquette to track binary objects without the use of LFS, this significantly impacts the performance of the repository for all participants. git Large File Storage replaces larger files with text pointers inside git while storing the actual files differently to prevent significant growth of the history. LFS was created by github, it is an open source project. There are other systems for handling large binary data with git, such as git-annex, but lfs has gained the most traction. ...

Pass, with friends

March 30, 2018
Crypto, Security
GPG, Git

pass is a simple way to manage password locally, and with git one can collaborate on a password database with friends. The two technologies; pass and gpg have a lot of resources on-line, but when I went looking to set up a team with pass I found resources in several different places that didn’t match up with practices that made sense. Notably several people were creating key-pairs for each database and sharing the actual key-pairs with collaborators, this seemed insane. ...